The Academy

Primary 7-13

Kids Dance Classes in Kansas City

The Primary Division is where formal training begins. When completed in succession, it lays the foundation of our curriculum and the technique of classical ballet.

The focus is on developing strong, coordinated, inquisitive students who have the ability to display the essence of ballet through the use of energy in their entire body. Many classes are taught to live piano accompaniment, a crucial element in developing the child’s understanding of the relationship between music and movement.




Level 1 students will participate in the Children’s Showcase held in May at the Bolender Center . Students in Level 2 participate in an annual Spring Performance at the Kauffman Center. This performance is ticketed and open to the public, and all students are encouraged to attend. KCBS also hosts two annual watch weeks for families, one in the fall and one in the spring (see the school calendar for dates).

Get Moving

Any student who wishes to join our Primary Division must take a placement class to determine his or her skill level.

Schedule Placement

Additional Resources

Please visit the level page for information on schedules, tuition and dress code. In addition to the level pages, Kansas City Ballet’s Parent Resources will tell you everything you need to know to set up your child for success.

For Academy Parents