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Music Moves Ramona Pansegrau
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Music Moves with Ramona Pansegrau

Just for you, enjoy this series of podcasts from Kansas City Ballet Music Director Ramona Pansegrau. Ramona takes us through her favorite ballets and the history behind the music.

Music Moves podcasts on Kansas City Ballet’s website has morphed from the weekly radio show Ramona once had on KC’s former classical music station (KXTR-FM) for two seasons – 60 shows.

“These are all new programs. I pick topics different ways – important dates in history – for example Balanchine’s birth, or the founding of the Ballet Russe, or even a Beethoven’s 250th birthday. I can choose topics based on a ballet or based on a piece of music, or even based on current events. The topic ideas are really fun to think about, and then the research to fit together music and dance keeps me mentally occupied all week,” Ramona says.

Over the next several weeks, topics will explore Russian, Danish, and English ballet music as well as in-depth examination of specific works and how they are used for dance.

The First Five Podcasts

Listen to Week 1: Ballets for Easter

Listen to Week 2: Ballets for Spring

Listen to Week 3: Beauty

Listen to Week 4: Dance on Film

Listen to Week 5: Mother’s Day

Check here to check for future episodes.

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