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Dancer Profile: Sarah Joan Smith

Company Dancer Sarah Joan Smith is dancing her second season with Kansas City Ballet.

Q: how did you become a dancer? WHEN DID YOU START DANCING?

A: I grew up in Eastern Europe and ballet was a class you took in school. My teacher told me I should pursue it. I did and love it.

Kansas City Ballet Dancers Sarah Joan Smith and James Kirby Rogers. Photography by Elizabeth Stehling.
Kansas City Ballet Dancers Sarah Joan Smith and James Kirby Rogers. Photography by Elizabeth Stehling.

Q: what do you enjoy most about being a dancer?

A: I enjoy hearing from an audience member that I conveyed a feeling or emotion to them just through the expression of dance.

Q: do you have hobbies or special interests?

A: Traveling. I love experiencing different cultures and people.

Q: as a professional athlete as well as artist, what makes up your diet and fitness routine?

A: I usually try to consume as much food as possible to maintain the energy I need—a lot of fruits, veggies and peanut butter! I do Pilates and yoga once a week as well as swimming, biking and strength training multiple times a week in addition to daily company ballet class and rehearsals.

Q: do you have a personal mantra or affirmation? if so, what is it?

A: I always say “In with faith and out with His peace” and take a deep breath before I enter the stage.


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