Behind the Scenes: "The Lottery" - KC Ballet Logo Full tickets calendar ballet-shoes quotations play chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up facebook checkbox checkbox-checked radio radio-selected instagram google plus pinterest twitter linkedin youtube search arrow-right slider-arrow-left slider-arrow-right playbutton phone location-pin fax email spinner shopping-cart
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Behind the Scenes: “The Lottery”

The Lottery

Val Caniparoli’s riveting ballet based on the shocking short story by Shirley Jackson with the same name has a hidden element of surprise, dancers and audience members alike, learn who has “won” at the same time. Which dancer will perform the final variation?

Fate decides at each performance when the dancers draw lots on stage.

KC Ballet Dancer Emily Mistretta. The Lottery rehearsals. The Lottery is based on the short story by Shirley Jackson. Photography by Elizabeth Stehling.

Below you’ll find a link to a behind-the-scenes video from rehearsals of The Lottery. Learn more about the process, the ballet and that grueling moment when all is revealed. 

Behind the scenes

See it On Stage

Enjoy the final show of Kansas City Ballet’s 2016-2017 season May 12-21 at the Kauffman Center. Dancers currently are rehearsing all three exciting ballets on the program including Jerome Robbins’ Interplay and George Balanchine’s Theme and Variations. It’s a whole evening of dance!

Buy tickets now online or by phone at 816.931.8993.

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