You can secure the future and vibrancy of the Kansas City Ballet, with a gift in your estate plan.
Once your family and friends are provided for, we hope you’ll consider making Kansas City Ballet part of your Legacy. It is one of the most meaningful things you can give to future generations and we’d be honored by your thoughtfulness.
We would gladly assist you with ways to make a gift that is meaningful to you and has a lasting impact for Kansas City Ballet.
Please contact Rebecca Zandarski, CFRE, CSPG, by email or 816.216.5597.
Join the Legacy Challenge!
If you are considering a gift in your estate plan to the Kansas City Ballet, now is a great time to let us know! The Muriel McBrien Kauffman Family Foundation has pledged $100,000 in current funds to the Kansas City Ballet’s Endowment when 10 new legacy intentions are documented.
Beneficiary designation is a simple way to create a Legacy
Just a few words in your will or trust is all that is needed. The official language of Kansas City Ballet is:
“I give, bequeath (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) to the Kansas City Ballet, for general purposes or for the purpose of (Specific request).”
Retirement plans, IRAs, life insurance, donor advised funds, and bank accounts are dispersed according to beneficiary designations. Easier than updating a will, request a change-of-beneficiary form with your policy administrator.
To designate Kansas City Ballet as a beneficiary, please reference the following information:
Legal name: Kansas City Ballet Association
Address: 500 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108
Federal Tax ID number: 43-6052680
IRA or Retirement Fund
Funds in a retirement plan or IRA have yet to be taxed. When a distribution is made to a beneficiary, that person will owe federal income tax. It’s usually better to leave taxable assets like retirement plans to charities you support and give other assets to loved ones.
Life Insurance
When the original purpose for a life insurance policy no longer applies naming the Ballet as the primary beneficiary or for a percentage can become a meaningful way to support the Ballet.
Donor Advised Funds
You can name the Ballet as the beneficiary of the entire account or a percentage of the fund. With a percentage, your loved ones can continue recommending grants to charitable organizations as well.
Bank accounts or Brokerage Accounts
Through your bank (Payable On Death, POD) or your brokerage account (Transfer On Death, TOD) you can name persons or charities as the beneficiary of your funds after your lifetime. Until that time, you remain in control and can change the beneficiary anytime.
The Tatiana Dokoudovska Legacy Society
Your gift qualifies you as a member of The Tatiana Dokoudovska Legacy Society.
With determination, vision, and grace, Tatiana Dokoudovska, founded Kansas City Ballet, becoming the first Artistic Director in 1957. From funding productions out of her own pocket, sewing costumes, to teaching dancers how to put on stage make-up, no job was ever too big – or too small. With an exceptional dedication to excellence and a strong work ethic, Miss Tania’s dynamic spirit is the strong foundation that has made Kansas City Ballet a nationally acclaimed professional company.
Miss Tania dedicated her life and resources to create Kansas City Ballet. We honor those who wish to continue her vision by leaving their own legacy as a member of The
Tatiana Dokoudovska Legacy Society.
Members of The Tatiana Dokoudovska Legacy Society receive:
- Invitation to the Annual State of the Ballet Luncheon
- Invitation to Open Rehearsals
- Invitation to Bolender Society events and trips
- Pre-sale Ticket Access and Priority Access to upgrade Subscription Tickets
- Concierge Ticketing Support
- Recognition in our publications, including programs,
newsletters, and website
- A Kansas City Ballet pin, exclusive for Legacy Society Members
- Insider eNews
Estate Planning Survey
Disclaimer: As with all gift planning, you should consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine what planned gift strategy is best for your current tax situation and income requirements. Consulting estate-planning professionals will help ensure that your wishes to make a lasting impact will be fulfilled.