Thank you to the following Legacy Society members:
Brad Allen and Gene Cooper
Mary Ann and Bill Allen
The Amelia Fund/Nancy L. Murdock, Ph.D.
Leslie G. Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Peggy and Andy Beal
Jeffrey J. Bentley
Brand Family Fund
Mike and Vicki Bray
Jerry and Meghan Carpenter Family Trust
Melissa Kelly Cavanaugh
Robert J. Cody
Don and Pat Dagenais
Dickerson Family Trust
Vicki Erickson
J. Scott Francis
Dr. Michael Frost
Norman E. and Marilyn A.W. Gaar
David Gray
Cynthia Hampton
David and Beth Harris
John and Mary Hunkeler
Dr. Richard Jensen and Gay Dannelly
Estate of Lothar P. Krause
Art Lafex
The Estate of Billie Mahoney
Julia Malter
Hazel Deana McClure
P. Alan McDermott
Lindsay Meyer
Dr. Linda E. Mitchell
Marcy Nelson
Kathy and Justin Nemechek
Bill Pallucca and Kevin Deen
Estate of Marilyn Pierson Patterson
Wendy and George Powell, III
Jean and Jack Rosenfield Trust
Jack and Paula Rowe
G. Mark Sappington
Dr. Richard Schupp
Suzanne Shank
Estate of James E. Taylor
Angela and John Walker
Jacquie and Kyle Ward
Estate of Shirley Weaver
Thomas F. and Loren Whittaker
Estate of Dr. Sonya Cornell Yarmat
Rebecca Zandarski