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Trainee Profile: Allison Rainford

KCB Trainee Allison Rainford. Photography by Savanna Daniels.
KCB Trainee Allison Rainford. Photography by Savanna Daniels.

Originally from Springfield, Ill., Allison Rainford joined Kansas City Ballet as a Trainee for the 2016-2017 season. This is her second season as a Trainee.

Q: how did you become a dancer? WHEN DID YOU START DANCING?

A: When I was 8, a friend let me try her pointe shoes on. After that I just had to dance, so my mom enrolled me in classes.

Q: what do you enjoy most about being a dancer?

A: Performing! There is a feeling you get on stage that you can’t find anywhere else.

Q: do you have hobbies or special interests?

A: I really enjoy cooking and baking. I just find them really relaxing, plus you have delicious treats when you’re done!

Q: What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?

A: I grew up on a farm.

Q: What do you enjoy most about kc and why?

A: I love the city! it’s a lot bigger than the town where I grew up, and I really like exploring it.

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