Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball 2016 - KC Ballet Logo Full tickets calendar ballet-shoes quotations play chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up facebook checkbox checkbox-checked radio radio-selected instagram google plus pinterest twitter linkedin youtube search arrow-right slider-arrow-left slider-arrow-right playbutton phone location-pin fax email spinner shopping-cart
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Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball 2016

2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children's Ball attendee Grace Dubill

2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball attendee Grace Dubill

The 22nd Annual Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball, sponsored by Merrill Lynch and hosted by chair Mrs. Shelley Zucht, on December 3rd transformed the Muehlebach Tower of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown into a magical snow forest. Guests enjoyed the Kansas City Youth Ballet performance, as well as holiday carols sung by Ginger Frost High School Honors Artists from the Lyric Opera. It was indeed all about the twinkle and sparkle of the holidays as guests were treated with incredible magicians, jugglers, beautiful face painting, photos with the Sugar Plum Fairy and shopping at the Nutcracker market. At the end of the feast, everyone was whisked away to the matinee performance of The Nutcracker presented by Kansas City Ballet and sponsored by Bank of America. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the start of the holiday season.

2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children's Ball Chair Shelley Zucht and husband Cord Zucht
2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball Chair Shelley Zucht and husband Cord Zucht
Megan Bubb Cribb and daughter, Rosie, with Artistic Director Devon Carney and Pamela Carney
Megan Bubb Cribb and daughter, Ellie, with Artistic Director Devon Carney and Pamela Carney
2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children's Ball Attendees: Romy Boyile, Harper and Hadley Hunt, Gemma Boyile
2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball Attendees: Romy Boyile, Harper and Hadley Hunt, Gemma Boyile
Enjoying pre-lunch refreshment: Johanna Smith, Esme Taghizadeh, Isabella Taghizadeh, Sophia Taghizadeh, with Sarah Smith (left), and Lylia and Sascha Taghizadeh
Enjoying pre-lunch refreshment: Johanna Smith, Esme Taghizadeh, Isabella Taghizadeh, Sophia Taghizadeh, with Sarah Smith (left), and Lylia and Sascha Taghizadeh
Clara Buckner getting her face painted by Sister Act Face Painting at the 2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children's Ball
Clara Buckner getting her face painted by Sister Act Face Painting at the 2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball
Tablescape from the 2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children's Ball
Tablescape from the 2016 Sugar Plum Fairy Children’s Ball

Photography by Rob Smith

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