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CLASSES CANCELED: Both Kansas City Ballet campuses (Bolender Center and South Campus) are closed Weds, Feb. 12 due to inclement weather

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NY Mayor makes good on World Series bet!

During the World Series, Mayor James Sly issued this challenge to de Blasio: if the Royals win, de Blasio has to go to a ballet school in New York, wear a Royals jersey and sing “Kansas City.” He also suggested that de Blasio send New York cheesecake.

If the Mets had won, James agreed to go to Kansas City Ballet, wear a Mets jersey and sing “New York, New York.” He also said he would send ribs to de Blasio.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/mlb/kansas-city-royals/article44772684.html#storylink=cpy

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