In Pictures: October First Friday - KC Ballet Logo Full tickets calendar ballet-shoes quotations play chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up facebook checkbox checkbox-checked radio radio-selected instagram google plus pinterest twitter linkedin youtube search arrow-right slider-arrow-left slider-arrow-right playbutton phone location-pin fax email spinner shopping-cart
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In Pictures: October First Friday

This past Friday, the Michael and Ginger Frost Studio Theater here at Kansas City Ballet’s Bolender Center was filled with people looking to get a glimpse into the rehearsal process of our company dancers. They also were given a behind the scenes look at KCB’s fall show featuring Jerome Robbins’ Fancy Free, which opens this Friday Oct. 11 and runs through Sunday, Oct. 20!

Check out some photos below from the First Friday event. To view these dancers in full costume and onstage at the Kauffman Center performing 5 spectacular ballets, you can order tickets online at or call 816.931.2232.

Dancer Rachel Coats smiles as Artistic Director Devon Carney talks to audience members about the rehearsal process.


Dancers Sarah Walborn and Michael Davis rehearse segments from Jodie Gates’ Keep Me Wishing in the Dark:



First Fridays are a great way for audience members to get an up close and personal look at rehearsal. In the photo below, Dancer Sarah Chun rehearses for the upcoming fall show.


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