Guild Event Recap: 2016 Nutcracker Luncheon - KC Ballet Logo Full tickets calendar ballet-shoes quotations play chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up facebook checkbox checkbox-checked radio radio-selected instagram google plus pinterest twitter linkedin youtube search arrow-right slider-arrow-left slider-arrow-right playbutton phone location-pin fax email spinner shopping-cart

CLASSES CANCELED: Both Kansas City Ballet campuses (Bolender Center and South Campus) are closed Weds, Feb. 12 due to inclement weather

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Guild Event Recap: 2016 Nutcracker Luncheon

Ballet Guild Nutcracker Luncheon Menu. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson

On Dec. 13, 2016 the Kansas City Ballet Guild held their festive annual Nutcracker Luncheon at the Carriage Club to celebrate the holiday season. As is the tradition, Nutcrackers served as festive centerpieces and, along with a variety of ornaments, were available for sale to attendees. This year’s luncheon was coordinated by Susannah Sotos. Ballet Guild membership is open to anyone with a love of dance and a desire to promote and support the Kansas City Ballet.

Sunday Siragusa, Wendy Melland, Felicia Bondi, and Pauline Henne. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Sunday Siragusa, Wendy Melland, Felicia Bondi, and Pauline Henne. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Judy King. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Judy King. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Gail Van Way, Vicki Baxter, and Michelle Fasel. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Gail Van Way, Vicki Baxter, and Michelle Fasel. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
John Walker, Angela Walker, and Mark Sappington. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
John Walker, Angela Walker, and Ballet Guild President Mark Sappington. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Jennifer Wampler and Siobhan McLaughlin Lesley. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Jennifer Wampler and Siobhan McLaughlin Lesley. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Julia Steinberg, Craig Sole, Sunday Siragusa, Judy King, and Joyce Middendorf. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Julia Steinberg, Craig Sole, Sunday Siragusa, Judy King, and Joyce Middendorf. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Tess Merriman, Margaux Merriman, Lauren Merriman, and Mattie Merriman. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson
Tess Merriman, Margaux Merriman, Lauren Merriman, and Mattie Merriman. Photographer: Larry F. Levenson

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