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amplify melanated voices joshua bodden
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Amplify Melanated Voices: Joshua Bodden

“How are you feeling? What are you thinking?

These have been the questions that I have been asking myself and I have been asked by others. I have not been able to fully answer these questions or even begin to process what I am thinking. The feelings of incredible sadness, frustration, confusion and fear have been all too consuming. I am exhausted and I am tired!

I am a person of color, more specifically, a black man in America. I have been conditioned to accept racial injustice. It is a structure of systematic racism that has penetrated every part of my own personal bubble. I have decided to use my voice and my personal experience to share my story. This is an important conversation that is bigger than me.

To be judged on the color of my skin and to be considered a threat just by what I look like is ignorant. I am more than just the color of my skin. I am a man, a son, a brother, a gay man, an artist, a friend, a person, a human being.

This is the time to listen, learn and see what kind of world we are really living in. This is uncomfortable but being uncomfortable is a good thing right now. We have to in order to embrace this moment of change and come together as people. This is not white people against black people, this is everyone against racism.”

— Joshua Bodden, Company Dancer


“In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” — Angela Davis


Photography by Neal Troester | LemonLime
@neal_lemonlime @lemonlime_dance

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