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Studio to Stage Program — A Ballet Introduction

One of many successful Kansas City Ballet Community Engagement and Education programs, Studio to Stage lends itself to creating an immediate connection between dancers and members of the Kansas City Community, particularly children.

Studio to Stage is an interactive dance program that travels to schools, libraries, community centers and assisted living spaces in and around Missouri and Kansas. This lecture demonstration program illustrates the education, behind the scenes preparation and work professional dancers employ each day in order to perform classic and contemporary ballet.

KCB II Dancer Fiona Lee said: “I think the structure of these programs is an amazing introduction to the art form. In addition to showing excerpts from some of the most iconic classical works, we also show the classwork exercises that we do to prepare ourselves for our performances. Dancers must practice and rehearse a great deal to appear effortless onstage. Through these programs, students are not only able to get an inside look of what happens behind the scenes but also learn about the foundation of ballet technique.”

The program’s concept, direction, and introduction provided by April Berry, KCB’s Director of Community Engagement and Education, is facilitated in collaboration with Devon Carney, KCB’s Artistic Director, and Christopher Ruud, KCB’s Second Company Manager and Ballet Master. KC Ballet Second Company dancers, comprised of a mix of ballet trainees and professionals, narrate and perform the Studio to Stage lecture demonstration.

“I honestly hope the audience walks out with just having a good time and that the experience with dance opens their minds to more possibilities,” KCB Trainee Dancer Timothy T.V. Cao said.

Studio to Stage is for Every Age

Kansas City Ballet’s Community Engagement and Education programs are tailored to engage a wide range of audiences; from young children to K-12 school students and teachers, to adults in various community spaces.

“With a little creativity, we were able to create some magical moments in unlikely settings,” Fiona added. “I still remember the very first ballet performance I attended, and it left a strong impact on me. If we are able to inspire even just a few kids to start dancing through Studio to Stage and community engagement programs, that is an extraordinary thing.”

Ms. Berry said, “Our community education programs, including Studio to Stage, are aligned with Kansas City Ballet’s mission To Inspire and Engage through the Beauty, Power, and Passion of Dance as well as particularly connecting to the ballet’s vision of making Outstanding Dance Experiences Accessible to All.

My hope is that this lecture demonstration program provides the broader public, particularly school students, access to gain a greater awareness and understanding of and appreciation for professional dancers’ work, classic and contemporary ballet, and ultimately spark more interest in dance and Kansas City Ballet.”

Interested in Booking a Studio to Stage Program?

Contact April Berry at or call 816.216.5609. Lecture demonstrations will be offered digitally or in person as available, beginning fall 2020.

Photography by April Berry.

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