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Patrons’ Trip to Tulsa

Front row: Anna Allen, David McGee, Dennis Marker, Mark Sappington, Claire and Joe Brand. Back row: Susan Lordi Marker, Jeffrey Bentley, Nancy Murdock, and Brent Kimmi.
Front row: Anna Allen, David McGee, Dennis Marker, Mark Sappington, Claire and Joe Brand. Back row: Susan Lordi Marker, Jeffrey Bentley, Nancy Murdock, and Brent Kimmi.

Several Patrons’ Society members embarked on a weekend excursion May 4-6, 2018 to see Tulsa Ballet’s Signature Series featuring three thought-provoking works. Each ballet reminded audiences of the dangers in allowing history to repeat itself, and inspired them to keep moving forward.

  • Kurt Jooss’ classic 1932 The Green Table is a powerful statement on war that continues to remain provocative and relevant today. 
  • Rassemblement (which translates to “gathering”) is Nacho Duato’s moving look at the “liberating powers of music and dance” as related to human rights issues.
  • And, an exciting new work called Glass Figures by Resident Choreographer and audience favorite Ma Cong.

While in Tulsa the group had dinner with Ma Cong at Dalessandro’s where he decribed his inspiration and motivation for his piece. He met the group before the show as well.

The group with Tulsa Ballet Resident Choreographer Ma Cong.
The group with Tulsa Ballet Resident Choreographer Ma Cong.

Other Adventures

The next day the group also visited the Gilcrease Museum which houses the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of art and artifacts of the American West and the Philbrook Museum of Art (where these photos were taken) an art museum in the historic home of Waite and Genevieve Phillips with expansive formal gardens located in Tulsa, Oklahoma featuring two locations. 

Philbrook Museum of Art
Philbrook Museum of Art

If you are interested in joining the Patrons’ Society or making an individual donation, please contact Brent Kimmi at or 816.216.5608.


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