Give It A Try: Absolute Beginner Ballet Workshop - KC Ballet Logo Full tickets calendar ballet-shoes quotations play chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up facebook checkbox checkbox-checked radio radio-selected instagram google plus pinterest twitter linkedin youtube search arrow-right slider-arrow-left slider-arrow-right playbutton phone location-pin fax email spinner shopping-cart
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Give It A Try: Absolute Beginner Ballet Workshop

Natalie Fama, Kansas City Ballet’s receptionist, will be trying out our Absolute Beginner Ballet workshop in September (Fridays 5:30-7 pm). Natalie has no experience taking any form of dance, but is eager to learn. Read below to hear more from Natalie on why she’s taking on this challenge.

Natalie Fama, KCB Receptionist

Q: What made you decide to try the Absolute Beginner Ballet course?
A: I have worked at the Kansas City Ballet for two years now, but crazily enough have never taken a ballet class. My dance background is little to non-existent, so jumping right into a Studio Division class seemed a little intimidating. I think the Absolute Beginner Ballet Workshop will be a great introduction to the basics of ballet.

Q: What background knowledge do you currently have regarding ballet?
A: Not a lot! I am familiar with numerous ballet terms from hearing them around work, but just knowing how to say ‘pas de bourrée’ or ‘tour jeté’ doesn’t count for much. Having observed our professional company and students in rehearsals and performances, I know that ballet requires discipline and dedication, but is very rewarding. 


Q: What are you most looking forward to in the class?
A: I am excited to dive in and try something totally new. It will be both a mental and physical exercise, but I am up for the challenge. 

Q: What are you hoping to accomplish by taking this course?
A: Ultimately I want to learn more about this art form and have a fun time doing so. I hope (and am confident!) that upon completion of this workshop, I will also feel comfortable taking any of the Beginning Ballet Studio Classes that KCB offers. 

If you are interested in joining Natalie on this adventure, contact KCB School at 816.931.2299 to sign up for the Absolute Beginner Course today! It’s a four week course on Fridays in September (5:30-7 pm; $70 for all four classes), it will give you the confidence to be able to jump in on our beginner ballet weekly Studio class.

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