Devon Carney Talks The Nutcracker 2019 - KC Ballet Logo Full tickets calendar ballet-shoes quotations play chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up facebook checkbox checkbox-checked radio radio-selected instagram google plus pinterest twitter linkedin youtube search arrow-right slider-arrow-left slider-arrow-right playbutton phone location-pin fax email spinner shopping-cart
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Devon Carney Talks The Nutcracker 2019

It’s hard to believe 2019 marks the 5th anniversary of this incredible reimagining of Kansas City Ballet’s
The Nutcracker. This show has matured and grown with each passing year.

Every fall, I revisit this production with a sense of purpose… to make it even better.

Kansas City Ballet Dancers | Photography by Brett Pruitt & East Market Studios


In fact, there are those in the cast who’ve been growing up in this production. Remember these
Matroyshka Children (Russian) or Angels once played little Polichinelles with Mother Ginger or
Soldiers in the Battle Scene and more. They have learned there always will be more roles and
experiences to work toward. Company members also have a chance to continue to develop their
beloved characters or even tackle pinnacle roles like the Sugar Plum Fairy. It’s never too late to
hone your skills or to capture your childhood wonder and imagine what is yet to be.

That’s one of the wonderful things about an annual production, much like a cherished height chart
in a family’s home, each season is a chance to mark your physical and artistic growth anew.
There are so many milestones to mark, and I’m so pleased this beloved production serves such
a purpose.

We are thrilled to have you all here with us as we usher in new growth and, of course, holiday
spirit. Whether you are 2 or 102, we hope your time spent with us leaves you appreciating the
small and large moments that spark your curiosity and joy during the holidays, and we
encourage you to create even more fantastic memories with those you hold most dear.

This season, may your blessings be many and your worries be few.

Happiest Holidays to you and yours!

Devon Carney, Artistic Director