Vice-President: Assist the President and President Elect in the performance of their duties. Must have previously served as a member of the executive committee.
Membership Vice-President: Membership liaison; contacts new and existing members to ensure contact information is correct and sends renewal reminders, works closely with Membership Data VP to compile and distribute the Guild Membership Directory
Membership Data Vice President: Maintains Guild Membership Database (name, address, contact info etc.) and assists in compiling the Guild Membership Directory.
Special Projects Vice-President: Oversees the Cast and Company Appreciation Coordinator and Dancer Gifts Chair.
Cast and Company Appreciation Coordinator: organizes an informal lunch buffet for the company during Nutcracker rehearsals and an appreciation gesture for the student cast of The Nutcracker.
Dancer Gifts Chair: Purchases holiday gift cards for the KCB dancers.
Marketing/PR Vice President: Creates Guild marketing materials with KCB Marketing Department.
Photography: Manages photography and Public Relations for all Guild activities.
Social Media: Manages all social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and postings regarding Guild activities.
E-blasts: Maintains the Guild email list and sends emails at the President’s request.
Guild Parent/Child Nutcracker Photo Liaison
Social Activities Vice President: Manages the Guild’s social events with the following chairs:
Kick Off Party, Fall Luncheon, Nutcracker Luncheon or Spring Luncheon Event Coordinators: Plans event
Meeting Refreshments Coordinator: Solicits volunteers to bring refreshments for meetings.
Movie/Book Club Coordinator: Chooses movies, books, dates and locations
Recording Secretary: Records minutes of all meetings
Corresponding Secretary: Responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the Guild
Treasurer: Monitors our budget; approves and records all income and disbursements, provides a budget report at meetings
Education and Engagement Vice-President: Coordinates programs to share at Guild meetings and luncheons
Archives Vice-President: Preserves the archival collection and adds to it
Gala Vice-President: Plans the annual fundraising gala
Governance Chairman: Oversees Guild adherence to the strategic plan
Boutique merchandise: Works with the manager to choose merchandise
Immediate Past-President: Prior President