Kansas City Ballet School Debuts at Universal Ballet Competition
Kathy Stepp-and-Howard-Rothwell-Turn-Passion-into-Action

Kansas City Ballet School Debuts at Universal Ballet Competition

Kansas City Ballet School (KCBS) makes its grand entrance on the Universal Ballet Competition (UBC) stage this year!  The UBC Experience: A Twist on Tradition  UBC isn’t your run-of-the-mill dance competition. It infuses innovation and excitement into the world of pre-profess…

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Kathy Stepp and Howard Rothwell Turn Passion into Action

Sometimes a little inspiration is all it takes to drive change. Inspiring others into action is what has always motivated Kansas City Ballet (KCB) supporters Kathy Stepp and Howard Rothwell, who turned their mutual love of ballet into a long-term mission to raise awareness and en…

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Cultivating Talent from Within: One Dancer’s Journey from the R.O.A.D. to the Stage

Clutching his brown teddy bear as Michael Darling in Kansas City Ballet’s recent stage production of Peter Pan, twelve-year-old Sam Stein reveled in the opportunity to show off all he has learned in his more than four years of training with Kansas City Ballet School (KCBS). A d…

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